WiFi Alliance and their new naming-standards

The WiFi alliance is planing to show the WLAN standards as numbers, so people can easily recognize the technology. My first thoughts: “WAT?”

So people can say “hey my new iPhone can ROCK Wi-Fi Generation 5” instead of “hey I can use 802.11ac wlan access points”. They are also showing version 6 for the new upcoming standard 802.11ax. There are some devices on the market which already provide this standard. Keep in mind that the real standard isn’t passed already! The projectgroup for “802.11” at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics is planing to release the final standard at December 2019. I’m very relaxed at this point. Most customers are using already devices with 802.11ac but don’t use the capability/potential of the 5Ghz band speed. I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of the WiFi standards in another blog entry.

Happy Monday!

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